Midlands Legionella Control Ltd conducted a comprehensive legionella risk assessment on the hot and cold water system services and dental unit water lines (DUWLs) at a dental surgery in Lichfield, Staffordshire.
Our legionella risk assessment included inspection of all hot and cold water services, confirming daily dental hygiene procedures, DUWL dipslide and autoclave inspection and records, and the legionella water services logbook.
We thoroughly reviewed the hot and cold monitoring records which site had kept. These included temperature logs, little used outlet flushing. They also included shower descaling of the single electric shower on site, and subcontractor visiting logs.
We provided a comprehensive report including extensive photographs and delivered the legionella risk assessment electronically. The report outlined a clear monitoring regime to reduce the risk of legionella growth/exposure.
The dental practice, having previously undergone a legionella risk assessment two years ago, demonstrated full compliance with all necessary duties.
The report also included three remedial actions to be made to the plumbing system to reduce the risk of legionella growth further. The remedial the removal of a large ‘deadleg’ pipe on the incoming mains, which if left would harbour stagnant water and contaminants – both of which can encourage the growth of legionella bacteria.
Being a dental practice, DUWLs needed to be inspected, as well as inspection of site’s comprehensive daily surgeries procedure records, autoclave unit and records inspection, all in full adherence of HTM01-05.
Legionella risk assessments should be reviewed regularly. This means at least 2-yearly, or sooner if there is a change in key personnel on site. It can also be necessary where concerns arise about the current regime or water quality. The survey and all recommendations were made in accordance with ACoP L8, HSG 274, HTM 01-05 and BS 8580.